Lemon plants grow fast if provided with proper environment for growth. However, it was observed that deficiency in certain minerals such as copper and zinc may severely curtail the growth of the plantation. Not only that, the plants may suffer from pests and fungus due to poor health. The required fertilizers may be sprayed on the plant for immediate absorption. One such example is spraying of Blitex, copper supplement with pest control. Blitex is available in powder form and half KG of Blitex is sufficient for one acre of lemon plants (about 4 years old trees).
Lemons are most prone to deceases during initial stages (1 to 5 years). It is important that the plants are sprayed with organic or ino-organic compounds that control pests and fungus. Lemons don't need to be watered frequently but for summer season which is usually very hot and dry in coastal andhra pradesh and many parts of South India.
Lemons are most prone to deceases during initial stages (1 to 5 years). It is important that the plants are sprayed with organic or ino-organic compounds that control pests and fungus. Lemons don't need to be watered frequently but for summer season which is usually very hot and dry in coastal andhra pradesh and many parts of South India.